Ruben Doornweerd
"Systems" have been the guiding principle for my graduation research as I developed a great fascination for this during my four years of study. In my research I have made micro level graphics systems. In these systems I showed my daily patterns and used this as input. As 'research conclusion' I have organised, on a macro level, all of my belongings by alphabet, country of origin, colour, height, and shape. In my preliminary research I came to 'order' as a root element rather than a means to an end.
For my final exhibition I exposed the system 'height' in the exhibition space. Behind these twenty-five square meter objects, there were five television screens that showed a synchronous performance in earlier made installations. In these performance I performed my daily actions, such as drumming, playing guitar, brushing my teeth, reading, eating, and drinking.
Ruben Doornweerd